Picture of me

Digital Marketer - College Student

Hi! My name is Rebecca Woolman and I am learning some html in my web page layout course as well. I feel more comfortable with HTML now that I have had some practice and my goal is to be comfortable designing web pages by the end of the semester.

I curently work from home as Marketing Assistant for a global manufacturer of motors and power transmission components. While attending online here at Palomar as a fulltime student. I am a E-marketing major who plans to graduate this year with my Associates, then I will start working on my Bachlors in Business Marketing. I am still unsure of what college to attend since I prefer online course work, but would love some ideas.

Some fun facts about me is that I am twenty five with four dogs. My favorite activities are hiking, kayaking, swimming, and running. All of which I normally bring my husky Leo. When Kayaking I prefer Lake Southerland because of the gorgeous views, quiet lake, and wild horses. I am an extrovert, but prefer to work from home. I love having my own private office space that has no distractions. Thank you for visiting my page and getting to know more about me.
UPDATE: I walked at graduation, but my degree is held up by these two classes. I am getting my E-Marketing and this class was a requirement. I now work in Marketing and will be done with school after this. I am following my passion in Marketing and am doing wordpress web design on the side for extra money. My degree will allow me to make more and focus on my career. This chapter of my life is closing and I can't express how grateful I am that you gave me an I, so I could finish this class. I didn't have funds to take another semester and am very grateful. I learned a lot from both classes and apply it to my work.

Link to my favorite place: Click Here